SIPAC Achieves 100% Renewal of Founding Members and Adds Four New Member Firms

Following the recent first anniversary of the founding of the Sino International Professional Advisory Council (SIPAC), SIPAC Chairman Robert Lewis announced that all of the original founding member firms of SIPAC have renewed for their membership for a second year, and in most cases have signed on for a multi-year renewal of membership, demonstrating an extraordinary level of commitment by these leading independent law firms to the SIPAC vision.

Continuing SIPAC members include the following leading independent law firms from key jurisdictions around the world: Tilleke & Gibbins (ASEAN), Al Tamimi & Company (MENA), Schellenberg Wittmer (Switzerland), HEUKING (Germany), ENS (Sub-Saharan Africa), Anderson Mori & Tomotsune (Japan), Marval O’Farrell Mairal (Argentina), Moroğlu Arseven (Türkiye), Cruz Marcelo & Tenefrancia (Philippines), Waselius (Finland), Carey (Chile), and GZG (Cyprus).

In addition, Robert Lewis also announced the addition of four new member firms to the SIPAC platform:
- Soemadipradja & Taher – S&T is a top-tier full-service law firm in the key jurisdiction of Indonesia, highly-rated in Corporate/M&A, Competition/Antitrust, Employment, Projects & Energy, Intellectual Property, and Banking & Finance
- Peters & Peters – London-based specialist lawyers for heavyweight international disputes, acting for clients all over the world in connection with the full range of sanctions, business crime and related compliance matters
- BUREN – in addition to providing the full range of legal and tax advisory services in the Netherlands, BUREN also boasts one of the largest and longest-standing China practices of any European law firm, with offices in Beijing and Shanghai
- Lakatos, Köves and Partners – top-rated across all practice areas, LKT leads the ranking tables in the Hungarian legal services market, and the firm will take the lead for SIPAC in the important CEE region
SIPAC Chairman Robert Lewis commented: “We are thrilled to have all of our original member firms renew their membership in SIPAC for another year, and in most cases for an additional three years. This is an important affirmation of the unique SIPAC value proposition. We are also extremely pleased to have four more outstanding law firms join SIPAC. All fit our profile of leading independent law firms in their respective jurisdictions and share our vision building connections between the China and global legal professions. This is just the beginning – more expansion is in the works, including not only the additional of more law firms from around the world, but also new partnerships inside China, as we jointly build a new model of professional cooperation in an evolving multipolar world.”
About SIPAC:
SIPAC was formally launched in March of 2023 and held its inaugural Sino-International Law Forum in Shanghai in November 2023, attended by nearly 250 leading lawyers from around the world and across China, including more than 40 foreign lawyers from leading independent law firms covering more than 50 jurisdictions around the world, nearly 100 senior in-house legal and compliance professionals from leading Chinese companies, and more than 100 lawyers from leading Red Circle law firms as well as lawyers included on the Ministry of Justice’s list of top 1000 cross-border lawyers in China. Given the unique nature of the event, attendance at the upcoming 2024 Sino International Law Forum, to be held in Shanghai on 14-15 November, is expected to increase as much as two-fold.
SIPAC and its comprehensive ecosystem of channel partners, including key quasi-governmental in-house counsel associations and leading outbound investment think tanks, legal know-how publishers and legal training platforms, are uniquely positioned to help promote the development of China’s international legal infrastructure, a key initiative promulgated at all levels of the Chinese government. As such, SIPAC is designed to address the entire China legal services market, including all in-house lawyers responsible for international legal affairs as well as lawyers in Chinese law firms engaged in cross-border legal matters on behalf of their Chinese clients.

For more information, please contact SIPAC Chairman Robert Lewis.
Mobile: +86 1380 116 4471
WeChat: RobertDLewis