SIPAC Public Launch Announcement

With the mission of enhancing legal and professional services support for Sino-Global investments, trade and compliance practices, a new legal network has now launched. The Sino International Professional Advisory Council (SIPAC) is a network of leading China desks build to respond to the ever more complex needs of Chinese companies overseas.

SIPAC has strategic channel partnerships in place with the Shanghai Corporate Counsel Association, who have a community of 300,000 companies in Shanghai, CCH (Wolters Kluwer China), Dow Jones, the China Going-Global Thinktank (CGGT), OSLAW and docQbot. The vision of the network is to bolster knowledge management and legal skills in China by delivering expert resources from leading overseas lawyers.

“As China reopens, outbound investment is expected to accelerate to new levels. Lawyers in Chinese companies and law firms have long needed more know-how resources for such international transactions as well as a more comprehensive network of leading law firms around the world with experience in acting for Chinese companies,” commented Robert Lewis, network Chairman and Co-Founder, “Working with the SIPAC member firms, we will be creating unique bilingual content to meet both of these critical needs, which will help Chinese companies navigate through the legal challenges of the global marketplace.”

“We are delighted to be joined by so many outstanding legal brands who share our vision of a network of market leading China desks,” commented network Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Jonathan Bell. “We believe leading law firms are underserved in their go-to-market approach to China. It is our further belief that by creating this platform, we will help to streamline international trade and investment routes from China, by helping Chinese in-house counsel get the legal support they need away from home.”

”With the continual growth of Chinese outbound investment into the jurisdictions where we operate, our firm has been looking for a reliable channel through which to connect and strengthen our relationships with Chinese companies that are expanding overseas,” said Andrew Stoutley, Chief Operating Officer of Southeast Asian regional law firm Tilleke & Gibbins. “We’re therefore delighted to have the opportunity to work with Robert, Jonathan, and the other founding members to build SIPAC into a provider of market-leading content and strong local connections that will deliver real value to Chinese outbound investors as they seek to grow their businesses globally.”

“Today marks a significant milestone as we celebrate the launch of the Sino International Professional Advisory Council (SIPAC). Al Tamimi & Company is the leading law firm across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and also unique in providing a dedicated China Group, committed to addressing the legal and practical needs of Chinese companies across MENA at the highest standard,” commented Thomas Calvert, Head of Al Tamimi & Co.’s China Desk, “As a founding member of the council, we believe it will make a vital contribution to support collaboration and excellence in professional advisory services for Chinese companies seeking to expand their investments overseas. Congratulations to SIPAC on this momentous occasion.”